
Star of Italy to the Director of the Royal Castle in Warsaw

The award presented by Ambassador Franchetti Pardo

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - VARSAVIA, 09 LUG - The Italian Ambassador to Poland Luca Franchetti Pardo today presented the Order of the Star of Italy, with the rank of Officer, to Wojciech Fałkowski, the director of the Royal Castle Museum in Warsaw.
    During the ceremony held at the embassy in the presence of various representatives of the Polish political and cultural world, Franchetti Pardo pointed out that Director Fałkowski, also known as an academic specialising in medieval history, has contributed greatly to spreading knowledge of Italian art and culture to a growing Polish public, supporting the organisation of numerous art exhibitions of Italian works.
    In particular, the ambassador recalled the important exhibition 'The Awakened', shown last year at the Warsaw Castle, which, through a large number of works by leading Italian masters, made it possible to deepen knowledge of the beginnings of the Italian Renaissance. In expressing his gratitude for the award, Fałkowski emphasised his strong connection 'with Italian culture and tradition, which the general public needs to rediscover in order to understand the profound relationships underlying the history of Europe'. The Royal Castle of Warsaw, destroyed during World War II, was rebuilt 50 years ago thanks in part to a fund-raising effort supported by the Polish society.

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