
Peru's Embassy in Rome celebrates relations with Italy

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of their inception

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 12 LUG - The Embassy of Peru in Rome celebrated 150 years of bilateral Italian-Peruvian relations at an event held in the residence of Peruvian Ambassador Manuel Cacho-Sousa, who recently presented his credentials to the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.
    In the presence of numerous guests, including the secretary general of the International Italo-Latin American Organisation (Iila), Antonella Cavallari, and the Farnesina's central director for Latin American and Caribbean countries, Laura Carpini, and after the playing of national anthems, Ambassador Cacho-Sousa recalled that '2024 is the year of both the bicentenary of Peru's independence and the 150th anniversary of the beginning of bilateral relations between our country and Italy'.
    Thanks to the quality of these relations, he continued, 'and a broad and valuable friendship, we are working together to achieve common goals. To this end, the forthcoming realisation in Lima of the 4th meeting of the political consultation mechanism, for which we will have the honour of receiving the visit of the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Maria Tripodi, will be very important'.
    Subsequently, he added, 'a visit by the Italy-Peru parliamentary friendship group, led by its president, Manfred Schullian, is planned,' and finally we hope to materialise a working visit by the Iila secretary general, Antonella Cavallari'.
    In statements to ANSA, Ambassador Cacho-Sousa emphasised 'the growing number of bilateral initiatives that will be realised in the near future', and added that 'on the occasion of Undersecretary Tripodi's visit to Peru, an elevation of bilateral relations to strategic association will be formalised, with a consequent greater political and economic cooperation'.

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