
Italy and Singapore towards greater scientific collaboration

Interview between Minister Chan Chun Sing and Ambassador Brandi

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 15 LUG - The themes of scientific, technological and inter-university cooperation between Italy and Singapore were the subject of a productive conversation this morning between the Singaporean Minister of Education, Chan Chun Sing, and the Italian Ambassador Dante Brandi.
    The meeting," the embassy announced, "laid the foundations for an expansion of the sectors involved in the current executive programme of scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries, which will see a new three-year cycle of research projects conducted jointly by Italian and Singaporean academic institutions, among the most prestigious in the world, in 2025. The reciprocal commitment to promote more intense inter-university cooperation was also confirmed, which can above all increase the number of students exchanged annually between universities in the two countries.
    Finally, the objective of expanding the presence of Italian companies in training programmes and initiatives at Singapore's Polytechnics and at the local Institute of Technology Education, which already collaborates with groups such as ST Microelectronics, Meridionale Impianti, and New Value Group, for projects and training activities in sectors such as semiconductors, robotics, and circular economy, also through the use of Italian high-tech machinery, was shared.

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