
Tribute to Consul Puggioni leaving Buenos Aires

Ambassador Lucentini present at dinner in the Circolo Italiano

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BUENOS AIRES, 17 LUG - The traditional 'Monday dinner' of the Circolo Italiano in Buenos Aires paid tribute to the Italian Consul in Buenos Aires, Antonio Puggioni, on the occasion of his departure from Argentina after five years of brilliant service.
    The Italian ambassador to Argentina, Fabrizio Lucentini - together with the vice-president of the Circolo, Gianfranco Tosi - honoured the dinner with his presence and offered illustrious words to bid the diplomat farewell, recalling his excellent service to the Italian community in Argentina, the largest in the world outside the country.
    The meeting was held in the hall of the club dedicated to the Rocca family and for the occasion a menu was served that balanced proposals from Italian and Argentinean gastronomy with 'empandas' alla caprese, pizza and braised meat with baked potatoes.

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