
North Macedonia, Italian language teaching grows

Ambassador Silvestri meets the Minister of Education

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 19 LUG - The Italian Ambassador to North Macedonia Andrea Silvestri was received by the Minister of Education and Science Vesna Janevska, whom he congratulated on his appointment, stressing the importance of the public education system for the growth of the country.
    The Ambassador expressed satisfaction with the progress marked in the teaching of the Italian language in the country's educational institutions, where more than 3,000 students follow Italian courses in 47 primary and secondary schools and in 5 universities, testifying to the great interest in Italian and the opportunities it offers.
    Also illustrated were the numerous activities organised by the Headquarters to promote the Italian language and culture through thematic events, such as the traditional 'Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo' (Week of the Italian Language in the World) and the 'Giorno della Ricerca Italiana' (Day of Italian Research), which represent not only Italy's great cultural heritage, but also the excellence of the Italian university and research system. The meeting was also an opportunity to mention the academic cooperation between the two countries, which boasts some 50 agreements between Italian and Macedonian universities and considerable potential for deepening relations.
    For her part, the minister confirmed the ministry's willingness to strengthen cooperation with Italy, also in relation to the objectives of the 5th Programme of Cooperation in Education, Culture and Science, signed in 2022.

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