
Kosovo, heart clinic inaugurated with Italian support

At ceremony Ambassador De Riu with Prime Minister Albin Kurti

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 23 LUG - The Italian Ambassador to Kosovo, Antonello De Riu, together with Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Health Minister Arben Vitia, inaugurated the newly renovated cardiac surgery clinic of the Kosovo University Clinical Centre.
    Through the Italian Development Cooperation's project "Support to the health system in Kosovo", Italy - the Embassy reported in a note - has strongly supported the Kosovo government's efforts to ensure that the Cardiac Surgery Department is fully operational and able to provide high-quality hospital services.
    This support has included the provision of essential medical equipment, comprehensive training for local staff and other vital resources. Italy remains deeply committed to continue supporting this important health facility.
    "With over EUR 780,000 still available for technology upgrades, we are committed to helping the government of Kosovo ensure that its citizens receive healthcare on par with European standards. This joint initiative underlines the strong partnership between Italy and Kosovo as we work together to strengthen Kosovo's health infrastructure and improve the wellbeing of the Kosovar people," the Embassy note added.

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