(ANSA) - TOKYO, 15 SET - After a stop at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, the exhibition "Giorgio de Chirico: Metaphysical Journey" arrives at the Kobe City Museum, where it will remain until 8 December. Spanning some 70 years of de Chirico's pictorial career and articulated in thematic sections such as "Piazza d'Italia", "Metaphysical Interior" and "Mannequin", the exhibition will cover the entire range of his artistic production, from his beginnings to the last stages of his life.
In his opening speech, Consul Marco Prencipe underlined how this exhibition "brings the Japanese public closer to one of the greatest masters of the 20th century who exerted a profound influence on international artists and art movements", reiterating that in addition to being a celebration of de Chirico's undisputed genius, it is also "a testimony of the vibrant and rich cultural exchange between Italy and Japan, which has intensified in recent years following the elevation of bilateral relations to strategic partnership". In this framework," Prencipe concluded, "collaborations in the artistic and cultural sector between Italy and Japan represent an important component of relations between the two countries, and are recognised as such within the Italy Action Plan 2024-2027, a bilateral action plan adopted on the sidelines of the recent G7 Summit in Puglia.
Giorgio de Chirico: Metaphysical Journey' exhibition in Kobe
The intense cultural exchange between Italy and Japan continues