
Dominican Republic: 'Caribe en Residencia' exhibition kicks off

Ambassador Queirolo Palmas opens the third edition

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - SANTO DOMINGO, 16 SET - The Italian Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Stefano Queirolo Palmas, inaugurated the new edition of the modern art exhibition 'Caribe en Residencia 3: Contemporary Convergences between the Dominican Republic and Italy'.
    The event, which is now consolidating as a regular appointment, was attended by a large and qualified audience of institutional representatives, the diplomatic corps, community bodies, and civil society, becoming a space for cultural encounters between various local artists as well.
    Among others, the event was attended by the Director of International Relations of the Ministry of Culture, Liza Margarita Alvarez Baehr, the Director General of Cooperation and International Relations of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (Uasd), Antonio Medina Calcaño, the European Union Ambassador, the Argentine Ambassador, the Turkish Ambassador, the Brazilian Ambassador, the Comites President and Cgie member, the editor of the country's leading weekly magazine, Rosanna Rivera, and of course the curator of the exhibition, Iris Pérez.
    Ambassador Queirolo Palmas then once again highlighted the spirit behind the 'Caribe en Residencia' initiative, which aims to transform an institutional place such as the Residencia into an open and inclusive space that, thanks to the works on display, can become a source of inspiration for Dominican artists to take a fresh look at Italy, the European tradition and the Mediterranean. It reaffirmed the connection with the Farnesina Collection, the initiative at the time promoted by Ambassador Vattani that transformed the headquarters of our Foreign Ministry into a large museum of contemporary art.
    The works of the third edition of the collection will remain on display for about a year in the Residence, and will then be presented at the National Day reception and finally at Casa de Italia. Caribe en Residencia won the Dominican Art Critics' Award last year.

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