
National Team of the Heart-Red Star charity match in Belgrade

Fundraising for a kindergarten. Serbian club veterans on the pitch

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 16 SET - On the occasion of the Day of Italian Sport in the World, the Italian Embassy in Belgrade, in cooperation with the Intesa Foundation and the Novak Djokovic Foundation, has announced the organisation on 5 October of an international match of the heart between the Italian national team of actors and singers and a representative team of veterans from the Red Star Belgrade.
    The aim of the initiative is to raise funds for the construction of a kindergarten in Serbia. "Within the framework of the initiatives organised by the Embassy in support of the most vulnerable categories of the Serbian society, and in line with our commitment to sports diplomacy, we are pleased to announce the organisation of the 'Partita del cuore', a charity football match between the Italian National Team of heart actors and singers and a representative of veterans from the Red Star team," wrote Italian Ambassador Luca Gori in a message.
    The aim of the event - to be held on 5 October at 3.30 pm at the 'Omladinski' sports ground, adjacent to the 'Rajko Mitic' stadium, also known as the 'Marakana' - is to finance the construction of a kindergarten in Serbia through donations, which can be made in various ways. In his message, Ambassador Gori appeals for solidarity and support also from the "many companies operating in this country, where they contribute to social and economic development and to the consolidation of friendship relations between Italy and Serbia".

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