
Italian and Greek students network on ecology founded in Athens

Care and sustainability to light up the Mediterranean together

Redazione Ansa

(ANSAmed) - NAPOLI, 18 SET - An international network for Italian and Greek students was born in Athens on the theme of the ecology of relations, between care and sustainability, to illuminate the Mediterranean with the light of knowledge. The birth took place at the residence of the Italian Ambassador in Greece, where the signing of the memorandum of understanding was held that established the 'FFMG Sicily Attika Peloponnese and Northern Greece Network', under the auspices of the Italian Embassy in Athens and the Hellenic Ministry of Education.
    The protocol has given rise to an international network of 20 Italian and Greek schools that will develop an educational path, involving organisations and institutions from both countries, oriented towards the rediscovery of their identity roots and the construction of a sustainable future. "The initiative," said the Italian Ambassador to Athens, Paolo Cuculi, "bears witness, once again, to the depth of the bonds of cooperation and friendship between Italy and Greece, which share a millenary history of which Magna Graecia is one of the most illustrious examples, and highlights the importance of joint projects in the field of education dedicated to our young people". At the ceremony, the Headmistress of the Italian State School of Athens, Veronica T. R. Sole, emphasised that "we are particularly proud that the Hellenic Ministry of Education has recognised the value of the project, approving the establishment of the International School Network with the title 'Ecology of relations between care and sustainability'. Theatre, philosophy and the ecology of relationships are the cornerstones of our educational efforts. These languages and practices offer students unique tools to understand the world we live in, to dialogue with different cultures and to become protagonists of their future, while enriching the natural, historical and artistic heritage of their communities'.
    The President, Giuseppina Russo, the Scientific Director, Annalisa Di Nuzzo, and Anna Terminello, representing the Network's Coordination Committee, spoke on behalf of the Festival of Philosophy in Magna Graecia, which represents the reference model of this international school network declined in a European dimension and in line with Agenda 2030. "The Festival of Philosophy in Magna Graecia," said Russo, "is grateful to the Italian Embassy in Athens, which enthusiastically welcomed the signing of the memorandum of understanding from the very beginning. The aim of the project is the ecology of relations, the creation of a strong interaction between institutions, politics and local authorities, so that local communities can evolve through activities to enhance the inhabited places and structured relations between Italian and Greek students'. Salvatore Mannino, Culture Councillor of the Municipality of Sciacca, also took the floor and recalled 'that he strongly wanted this project to valorise his territory, which has a high cultural vocation and was, moreover, the birthplace of the great philosopher Empedocles'. The ceremony was concluded by Atanasios Nikolopoulos, representing the Hellenic Ministry of Education, which strongly contributed to the expansion of the project, allowing Greek schools to participate.

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