
Italian Representation in Paris hosts show on Van Gogh

'The Infinite Descent', from the work of Giordano Bruno Guerri

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - PARIGI, 20 SET - The Permanent Representation of Italy to International Organisations in Paris hosted, at the Hotel de Galliffet, the theatrical performance 'Vincent Van Gogh - The Infinite Descent', written and directed by Paola Veneto and based on Giordano Bruno Guerri's literary work 'Madness? Life of Vincent van Gogh'.
    The show tells the tormented story of Vincent van Gogh, the cursed painter who created hundreds of works without ever managing to live off his art. Through his correspondence with his brother Theo and conflicts with those who never understood his talent, Antonio Gargiulo, who plays van Gogh, was able to guide the audience through the complex mental universe of this extraordinary artist. The event represented an important opportunity to promote the Italian language in an international context, as emphasised by Ambassador Luca Sabbatucci. "The choice of dedicating the event to Vincent Van Gogh is not accidental: the Dutch artist perfectly embodies the spirit of openness and cultural dissemination that we want to promote, while celebrating the beauty of our language," said the Permanent Representative. "Born in the Netherlands, van Gogh spent most of his career in France, while drawing inspiration from the great Italian painting tradition," concluded the high diplomat in charge of international organisations in Paris.

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