
Italy to UN, 'concerned about human rights in Venezuela'

Ambassador Grassi at the UN Human Rights Council

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - GINEVRA, 20 SET - "The international community and the Human Rights Council must continue to monitor and address the human rights situation in Venezuela", which raises "grave concerns", Ambassador Vincenzo Grassi, Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Geneva, said today, reiterating "the need for thorough investigations into human rights violations and for those responsible to be held to account".
    Speaking in the context of the Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela, in the framework of the 57th session of the Human Rights Council, Ambassador Grassi expressed deep concern about the "increasing human rights violations, arbitrary detentions and widespread restrictions on fundamental freedoms, affecting in particular the political opposition, human rights defenders and representatives of independent media and civil society".
    Emphasising the importance of the High Commissioner's updates on the human rights situation in the country, the Ambassador also said that "Italy calls for the release of all political prisoners and stresses the need for a path of freedom and democracy for the people of Venezuela". He also emphasised that 'it is essential that the election results are complete and independently verifiable, to ensure that the will of the Venezuelan people is respected,' a statement from the Representation specified. In conclusion, Ambassador Grassi formulated Italy's exhortation "to the Venezuelan authorities to allow the OHCHR to return to Caracas, without any change to its current mandate, and to cooperate with it in an appropriate manner", as well as to grant the Fact-Finding Mission access to the country.

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