
North Macedonia, Amb.Silvestri at the Bitola Film Festival

Sorrentino's film Parthenope presented

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 23 SET - The 45th edition of the prestigious 'Manaki Brothers' International Film Festival, dedicated to the art of cinematography and the celebration of the world's best cinematographers, opened last Saturday at the Bitola Cultural Centre in southern Macedonia.
    On the opening night, Paolo Sorrentino's new film Pathenope - a Balkan premiere - was applauded, allowing spectators to immerse themselves in the evocative and poetic atmospheres of Naples, a city that has always been a source of inspiration for the acclaimed Italian director. The screening, supported by the Italian Embassy and the Italian Institute of Culture in Belgrade, took place in the presence of Daria D'Antonio, one of the most appreciated directors of photography at an international level, fresh from the Cannes Film Festival where she was awarded the Prix CST Artist- Technician precisely for the photography of the film 'Parthenope'.
    In addition, the Italian Embassy reported in a note, yesterday Dante Spinotti, the director of photography behind masterpieces such as 'The Last of the Mohicans', 'Heat' and 'L.A. Confidential', participated in an exclusive master chat, sharing his experience and approach to cinematography and answering questions from the large audience. Spinotti, the 2011 winner of the Golden Camera 300 - the special lifetime achievement award of the International Film Festival "Manaki Brothers", was dedicated a personal marble and brass star set in the City's Walk of Fame, which was inaugurated this year together with Ambassador Andrea Silvestri, Festival Director Simeon Moni Damevski and the Mayor of BitolaToni Konjanovski.

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