
Ambassador d'Orlandi receives 'Ghana Project' workers

Once trained they will work in Friuli Venezia Giulia companies

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 24 SET - The Italian ambassador in Accra, Daniela d'Orlandi, received a group of 15 Ghanaian workers involved in the 'Ghana project' promoted by Confindustria Alto Adriatico, which was set up to meet the needs of many companies operating in Friuli Venezia Giulia in sectors in which it is difficult to find skilled labour. These are sectors such as shipbuilding, construction, heavy carpentry, logistics and goods handling, and woodworking. After the planned training, the workers will leave to reach Italy through regular migration channels and will be employed by Italian companies.
    The initiative, which was inaugurated by President Mattarella during his visit to Ghana on 6 April last, will train about 250 workers by 2024. About 20 companies have applied for the placement of the workers. The workers will be placed on 12-month contracts. The user companies undertake to find solutions that guarantee housing on favourable conditions for the duration of the contract. The 'Ghana Project' foresees for 2025 and the years to come a doubling of both the number of workers to be employed and the training courses.

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