
Italian researchers in Mexico prepare for 2024 conference

Two days of conferences and round tables at the end of October

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - CITTÀ DEL MESSICO, 24 SET - The Association of Italian Researchers in Mexico will hold its annual congress at the end of October at the headquarters of the Dante Alighieri Society in the country's capital.
    The organisation's president, Rosanna Bonasia, the head of the Embassy's political office, Gianpaolo Neri, and representatives of various institutions belonging to the local Italian System will be present.
    During the meeting, scheduled for 24 and 25 October, five round tables are planned, in which thirty researchers and professors from the main universities in Mexico will participate. The topics that will be covered include, among others, identity aspects of the Italian presence in the country, as well as presentations on design, engineering, hermeneutics, anthropology, physics, astronomy, botany, biology and social sciences.
    There will also be a lecture by Dr. Fabrizio Ammetto, from the University of Guanajuato, on the recent discovery of a violin sonata by Antonio Vivaldi, carried out with the participation of researchers from Italy and Mexico.
    The Association of Italian Researchers in Mexico was established in 219, promoted by the Scientific Attaché of the Italian Embassy. Today it has 60 members who carry out scientific and academic activities in different locations in the country.

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