
Kosovo, Italian Embassy remembers agent killed in Banjska

'Prosecute all those responsible for the attack'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 24 SET - One year after the armed attack in Banjska, northern Kosovo, the Italian Embassy in Pristina, with a message on X, remembered the Kosovar policeman Afrim Bunjaku who was killed in the ambush of a local police patrol by a commando of Serb extremists on 24 September 2023.
    "To remember and honour the memory of Kosovar policeman Afrim Bunjaku, who was cowardly killed in the attack in Banjska a year ago," reads the embassy's message. "Italy reaffirms its position that those responsible for this terrible crime, along with all those involved, must be held fully accountable."

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