
Singapore seminar on Ia at the F1 Grand Prix

Amb. Brandi: 'Innovation crucial in bilateral relations

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 24 SET - The Embassy of Italy in Singapore, on the occasion of the Formula 1 Grand Prix, hosted the seminar 'Italy Speeding-up Singapore' to explore the points of contact and innovative perspectives that the use of artificial intelligence can offer different and seemingly distant sectors, such as Formula 1, air traffic, but also artistic creation. An example of the impact of AI on art is the current exhibition in Singapore 'AI: Art in Motion' curated by the Dino Zoli Foundation of Contemporary Art.
    There is an ongoing research project on the subject within the framework of the bilateral scientific and technological cooperation agreement between Italy and Singapore, as well as the initiative of the Dino Zoli Foundation, which organises art exhibitions every year during the Formula 1 Grand Prix for which Dino Zoli Engineering provides the lighting system. The seminar was opened by the Italian Ambassador to Singapore, Dante Brandi, who emphasised the crucial role of technological innovation in the context of relations between Italy and Singapore, as evidenced by the ongoing bilateral Executive Programme in the field of science and technology. He also added that artificial intelligence is an essential development factor that both Singapore and Italy are looking at with great attention, and it is no coincidence that Italy has made it a priority of its G7 Presidency.
    Other speakers included Roberto Grilli, Managing Director of DZ Engineering Asia; Gianmarco Mengaldo, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore; and Sameer Alam, Professor of the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University and Principal Investigator of the bilateral Italian-Singaporean project on AI applied to air traffic flows. During the event, artist Jake Tan illustrated the potential of digital art.

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