
Amb. Crudele welcomes 75 Air Force Academy cadets

For young people stops in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 25 SET - Yesterday, Ambassador Paolo Crudele welcomed a delegation from the Italian Air Force Academy, a military institute of higher studies for the training of young cadets who aspire to become officers in the Air Force, to the Italian Residence in Canberra.
    The Australian mission, explains a note from the embassy, offered the seventy-five cadets, led by the General of the Air Division, Luigi Casali, a unique opportunity for learning, exchange, and deep understanding of the security challenges in the current geopolitical scenario, starting with those closely affecting the Indo-Pacific.
    In Melbourne and Sydney, the cadets took part in a series of operationally focused activities with deployment of military assets and visited some strategically important companies. The stop in the capital included a meeting with Air Defence Force Academy cadets, as well as a tribute at the Australian War Memorial, the national monument erected in honour of all war dead.
    "It is an honour for me to welcome Commander Casali and the Centauro VI course trainees," commented the Ambassador, "Their mission, much appreciated by the Australians, takes place in the year of the centenary of the birth of the Italian Air Force: a history full of dedication, sacrifice and national pride that, I am sure, these young people will know how to make their own during their professional career.

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