
The Italian Garden stars in Argentina

The exhibition 'Italy Garden of the World' opened in Bariloche

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 25 SET - Consul General in Bahia Blanca, Argentina Nicola Bazzani inaugurated the 'Italy Garden of the World' photo exhibition in the Andean town of Bariloche. This was announced by the Consulate itself, adding that the inauguration was attended by around 200 people: local authorities, entrepreneurs, industry enthusiasts and the Italian community. The exhibition took place in Puerto San Carlos, adjacent to Lake Nahuel Huapi surrounded by the Andes, made available by the local municipality with which there are excellent relations. The exhibition highlighted 'the all-Italian ability to combine - through the most beautiful Italian gardens and landscapes - art, nature, craftsmanship, beauty and society, with an original, young and attractive proposal'. The exhibition featured "images and archive documents to explore the varied reality of Italian gardens, both historical and contemporary, through compositional elements that characterise national creativity from the Renaissance to the present day: landscape, design, water, botany, sociality, art and knowledge". The exhibition was also an invitation to retrace the 'Roots' and encourage tourism to the many locations represented through their unique gardens and landscapes, from the Boboli Gardens in Florence to the Reggia di Caserta and the Palazzina di caccia in Stupinigi. 'Italy Garden of the World' is an exhibition curated by Sabina Minutillo Turtur and Renato Fontana, produced by Bye Bye Silos with the contribution of a scientific and curatorial committee of academics specialised in garden history and landscape architecture: Chiara Santini (École nationale supérieure de paysage, Versailles), Paolo Cornaglia and Marco Ferrari (Turin Polytechnic), Luigi Latini, Andrés Holguín and Lorenza Gasparella (Iuav University of Venice). The Italian Parks and Gardens Association, the Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano and Grandi Giardini Italiani are also partners in the initiative. The exhibition can be visited until 30 September with free access from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. On this occasion, Consul General Bazzani presented the honour of Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Stella d'Italia (Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy) to Ms. Cristina Roncati, for her profound commitment in building solid friendship relations between Italy and Argentina, thanks to her action as president of the Italian Association of Bariloche and the Italian School of the same locality.

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