
Amb. Gori at launch of Italian course for Serbian Defence Ministry

'Italian language extraordinary tool for cooperation and dialogue

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 26 SET - The Ambassador of Italy to Serbia, Luca Gori, participated today at the Serbian Military Academy in the presentation of the Italian language course made available by our country for the benefit of military and civilian personnel of the Serbian Ministry of Defence. The activity, on the initiative of the Military Attaché Col. Giribono, is part of the cooperation in the defence sector between Italy and Serbia and envisages the provision of a course (elementary, to be followed by others at intermediate and advanced levels) for 24 students. For the first time, at the end of the training, the participants will be examined in Serbia by a commission of the Italian Army's Foreign Languages School and will be able to obtain a NATO-recognised language certificate. The initiative is part of the programme that the Embassy is putting together in view of the Italian Language Week, which will start on 14 October.
    "The Italian language is much loved in Serbia. It is an extraordinary instrument of cooperation and dialogue, on which we are making a strong investment. I am therefore very pleased that the study of Italian, thanks to the initiative of our Defence Ministry, has become a structural part of the training programmes of the Serbian Defence Ministry as well,' Ambassador Gori stated in his speech.

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