
Ambassador Trichilo opens Zagreb Design Week

Italy is a partner country for the first time

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 26 SET - The Ambassador of Italy to Croatia, Paolo Trichilo, inaugurated the 11th edition of Zagreb Design Week, of which Italy is a partner country for the first time, speaking at the opening ceremony.
    He emphasised that the Embassy was thus celebrating the Day of Italian Design in the World, an initiative desired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at a global level to highlight the importance of Italy's contribution in this important sector.
    The event was also attended by a delegation of Italian parliamentarians from the Italy-Croatia friendship section (D'Orso, Onori and Loperfido) - on a mission to Zagreb for meetings with local counterparts - as well as colleagues from the Croatian bilateral section (Blasevic and Bedekovic).
    Zagreb Design Week, centred on the theme "Breaking the glass ceiling", this year dedicates an entire pavilion to Italy with an exhibition on the evolution of Italian women's design over the last 70 years, as well as a selection of pieces by the Calligaris company, which owns an important production site in Croatia, to celebrate its 100th anniversary. On 28 September, Zagreb Design Week will host a round table with the participation of Elena Salmistraro, Ambassador of Italian Design in Croatia, and renowned designers Chiara Di Pinto and Fabio Novembre

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