
Somali students in Italy with Farnesina scholarships

Twenty-one young people will follow courses at different universities

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 26 SET - The Italian Ambassador in Mogadishu, Pier Mario Daccò Coppi, together with all his staff received the young winners of the Farnesina scholarships for the academic year 2024-2025. The twenty-one young Somalis - 16 boys and 5 girls - who were awarded the scholarships will be able to study at various Italian universities: Tuscia, Florence, Milan, Genoa, Bologna, Trieste, Naples, Turin, Parma and Pavia. The largest number of scholarships is for courses in engineering and economics; other preferred courses are in agriculture, law, biotechnology and geophysics.
    Present at the farewell ceremony," reads a note from the embassy, "were the president of the Social Commission of the Somali Senate and the rectors of the five Somali universities of origin of the students. While expressing deep gratitude for the opportunity offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and for the support and assistance of the Italian Embassy, one of the students wanted to emphasise how much this opportunity means to young Somalis, their families, and their country. 'Your dedication,' these were the young man's words, 'and your commitment to helping me achieve this goal is something I will never forget. Each of you played a significant role in this process and I truly appreciate the time, effort and resources you invested in my future. This scholarship not only allows me to further my education, but also allows me to contribute positively to my community and my country. I look forward to making the most of this opportunity and making you all proud." The ambassador wished them all good luck.

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