
Ukraine, amb. Formosa meets Minister for Environmental Protection

Support for Zelensky's Peace Formula reaffirmed

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 26 SET - Ambassador Carlo Formosa discussed green policies for Ukraine with Svitlana Hrynchuk, the new Minister for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources.
    The ambassador reiterated to the minister Italy's support for President Zelensky's peace formula, as part of the joint efforts for a just, lasting, and inclusive peace: in fact, the plan includes a point devoted to environmental protection, one of the issues of greatest interest to the entire international community. The situation of the natural environment in Ukraine was also discussed, reasoning about the extensive damage caused to the ecosystem by Russian aggression. Referring to the current memorandum between environment ministers, a plan to gradually reduce the use of plastics and non-recyclable materials in Ukraine was discussed, as well as the issue of waste treatment. These are areas in which Italy, with its expertise and companies, can make a significant contribution.

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