
Ambassador Formosa meets the Ukrainian Interior Minister

Strengthening bilateral cooperation discussed

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 SET - The Ambassador of Italy in Kiev, Carlo Formosa, met with the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ihor Klymenko, to discuss the already fruitful bilateral cooperation and with the aim of strengthening it with a view to overcoming the conflict.
    Minister Klymenko expressed his gratitude for the great support provided by our country, particularly in the fields of health and humanitarian demining, and informed the ambassador of the important contribution of the Ministry of the Interior's personnel to the war effort, in particular the work of the National Guard of Ukraine, which is committed to protecting the country's strategic structures and borders.
    The minister also expressed his deep gratitude for the welcome Italy has offered to Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war: there is a common hope that all citizens will be able to return home, when conditions allow, to contribute to the reconstruction and recovery of Ukraine.

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