
Italian Sport Day' initiatives close in Prague

A month of events organised by the Italian Embassy

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 SET - With a series of volleyball and padel exhibitions open to all enthusiasts, coordinated by Andrea Tomatis, coach of the Czech national beach volleyball world champion team, the 'Day of Italian Sport in the World', a month of initiatives promoted by the Italian Embassy in collaboration with 'Sistema Italia', will close tomorrow in Prague in the world', a month of initiatives promoted by the Italian Embassy in collaboration with 'Sistema Italia'.
    On the occasion, the ambassador, Mauro Marsili, emphasised the systemic capacity of the partners involved in the realisation of the event. "All the events related to the Italian Sport Day in the Czech Republic - he stressed - were organised and supported by the Embassy with the valuable contribution of the Italian-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague and the Comites of the Czech Republic. Sport,' concluded the diplomat, 'is not only expressed through physical activity, but is also discipline, confrontation, and the ability to relate with oneself, with others, and with the surrounding environment, in a virtuous cycle that has direct repercussions on cuisine, tourism, territories, culture, and production processes'.
    The 'Day of Italian Sport in the World' in the Czech Republic had opened with the Birell 10K Race Prague competition promoted by the platform for running enthusiasts RunCzech led by Carlo Capalbo, which was followed in the halls of the Italian Embassy by the presentation ceremony of the sports diplomacy initiative in the presence of members of the government, the diplomatic corps, academics, politicians, journalists, entrepreneurs, and representatives of the sporting, cultural, and scientific worlds. Moreover, in Brno, Moravia, Andrea Tomatis held a training session with a final competition reserved for young beach volleyball talents. Finally, a football match between Czech and Italian fans was held on the initiative of the Comites. On the occasion of the 'Day of Italian Sport in the World', the photographic exhibition 'Beyond Limits. A choral portrait of a changing country', organised by the Directorate General for the Promotion of the Country System of the Farnesina, with M9 Museo del Novecento - Fondazione Venezia.

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