
Italian sport on show in Hanoi

Inauguration in the presence of the Ambassador to Vietnam

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - HANOI, 28 SET - The exhibition 'Beyond Limits. Sport Italia. Ritratto corale di un Paese che cambia' (Beyond Limits. A Choral Portrait of a Changing Country), conceived by the M9 Museum in Venice with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
    The exhibition offers an innovative artistic journey through the history, present and future of Italian sport, recounting not only the great feats of Italian athletes in competitive disciplines but also the transformations of Italy in over a century through sport.
    With a selection of over 25 photographic panels, 'Beyond the Limits' also aims to present the Vietnamese public with the most iconic places and athletes in the world of Italian sport. The exhibition will be open to the public until Tuesday 8 October 2024, every day from 9am to 6pm.

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