
School year inaugurated at Italian state school Barcelona

20 September in the presence of Consul General Manzitti

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - MADRID, 28 SET - On 20 September, the Italian Consul General in Barcelona, Emanuele Manzitti, attended the inauguration of the 2024/2025 school year at the Italian State School in Barcelona. Present at the ceremony - a note from the consulate informs - were the deputy mayor of Barcelona and councillor of the Sarria-San Gervasi district, Maria Euguenia Gay, the headmistress Patrizia Carfagna, and the headmistress of the kindergarten, Carla D'Arbitrio.
    After expressing his best wishes for the start of the new cycle of studies to teachers and students, the Consul General, addressing the latter, emphasised the importance of education, a fundamental tool for facing the challenges of the contemporary world and for building their future. Manzitti emphasised the important role played by the Italian School in Barcelona, a factor in bringing the Italian community together and a tool for integration into the local social fabric. The Consul General then invited those present, students, teachers and parents to read the speech delivered by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella last 16 September in Cagliari at the inauguration of the school year.
    The ceremony was also attended by the Colla dei Castellers de Sarria, who introduced students, parents and teachers to the cultural tradition of the human towers.

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