
Italian Embassy in Malta organises voice and piano concert

Opera arias for Paola Francesca Natale with Keith Goodman

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - LA VALLETTA, 30 SET - 'Love between music and poetry': this is the title chosen for the concert for voice and piano that the Italian Embassy in Malta, led by Fabrizio Romano, has organised for next Thursday at the Italian Cultural Institute in Valletta, as part of the intense calendar of events marking the IIC's 50th anniversary.
    The protagonists of the concert will be soprano Paola Francesca Natale who will be accompanied by pianist Keith Goodman and the reciting voice of Maria Baroni (of the Associazione Mozart Italia Malta). On the programme will be sonatas by Scarlatti and arias by Rossini, Mozart, Tosti, Puccini, as well as the intermezzo from Manon Lescaut and a minuet composed by Goodman himself.

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