
Italy-Sweden researchers meet for a sustainable future

A two-day confrontation at Linköping University

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - STOCCOLMA, 02 OTT - Italian and Swedish researchers from various institutions, universities, agencies and start-ups discussed for two days, on 1 and October, at the Valla Campus of Linköping University as part of the bilateral Italy-Sweden workshop 'Smart Sensor Technologies and Applications: Innovation, strategies, and solutions for a sustainable future.
    The initiative was organised by the Embassy of Italy in Sweden and Linköping University in collaboration with the city of Linköping and the science park, one of the first to be established in Sweden almost 40 years ago, Linköping is the fifth largest city in Sweden, one of the fastest growing cities looking towards the future. Here, much research is world-class, generating innovations to build a better future for the university, civil society and business community that work synergistically here. This has enabled the city to win 'The European Capital of Innovation Awards' in the European Rising Innovative City category in 2023.
    During the first day, the researchers were also able to visit the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV), a unique multidisciplinary research centre housed within the Linköping University Hospital and funded by the Östergötland region and Sectra AB, one of Sweden's largest companies based in Linköping. CMIV conducts multidisciplinary research and projects that provide solutions to the most advanced aspects of imaging for applications in medical research and healthcare. The day ended at the city's City Hall where the Mayor greeted Italian Ambassador Michele Pala and the participants, who then attended a presentation by Eric Åqvist (Head of Business Development Unit) on the city's plans for growth over the next two decades.
    In his welcome address on the second day, Ambassador Pala emphasised that 'collaborating with Linköping and more generally with Swedish researchers is strategic because of the enormous research and innovation capacities that we can encounter in this country, recognised again this year as one of the most innovative countries in Europe. The Embassy is strongly committed to improving the dialogue between our countries and the Italian Science Office supports existing collaborations and facilitates opportunities between scientists and institutions. Italy and Sweden are partners ready to seize the opportunities offered by ongoing technological advances and to tackle many important global challenges together." The event brought together around 50 researchers and 20 speakers and also hosted a panel discussion 'Sensing: a world of technologies and applications for a sustainable future' with qualified contributions to discuss strategies, strengthen cooperation and lay the foundations for international partnership programmes. Both Sweden and Italy recognise the importance of sensor technologies and sustainability and are deeply committed to innovation for the needs of society and industry. This initiative has allowed the comparison of different experiences from both the research and industrial worlds, and from funding agencies that support research in Italy and Sweden on innovative materials, devices and processes for applications in health, life sciences, agribusiness and industry.

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