
Environmental emergencies, the Safe system presented in Copenhagen

The Italian Residence hosts academics and businesses

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 12 OTT - An initiative realised just a few days after the announcement of the establishment of the first Ministry for Emergency Management in Denmark brought together yesterday at the Italian Residence in Copenhagen exponents of the prestigious DTU (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, the Danish Polytechnic), representatives of large companies, specialised companies and consulting firms.
    The occasion was offered by the presentation of the integrated 'situational awareness for the environment' system SAFE, developed by Prof. Massimiliano Lega (Parthenope University, Naples) with the contribution of Prof. Roberta Teta (Federico II University, Naples), through a series of innovative procedures, advanced detection techniques, chemical, physical and biological analyses and new technological tools.
    Their combination - uniting in an integrated flow the data and the different skills of processing and intervention centres - provides a formidable tool to define in useful advance or in any case deal with certain natural phenomena or events resulting from human activities. It is precisely the refinement of this tool - as explained by Ing.Fabrizio Curcio (for a long time head of the national civil protection system of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers), who intervened to give an active snapshot of this 'system of systems' - that has enabled Italy to manage serious emergency situations, in a territory that is characterised by a high risk of a natural type and has also faced the emergencies of recent years (pandemic, war crisis in Ukraine) protecting human lives, health and the environment while acquiring a special capacity, thanks to which it has demonstrated its value and effectiveness even by offering its help outside Italian borders.
    Precisely for having been a ready and useful tool in situations of adverse events and tensions, the Italian system of emergency management has received several national awards and, most recently, the award of a European Medal for its contribution to Derna, Libya, for Cyclone Daniel, in September 2023.
    A model built up over the years, therefore, which now combines the contribution of the various Italian administrations and draws from scientists and academics a continuous input for research and updating. A model that interested the Danish interlocutors, launching the first bases for a collaboration in the corresponding sector of 'environmental awareness' aimed at the safety of citizens and the territory, of which - everyone agreed - there is a strong interest in it becoming an avant-garde European cooperation tool as soon as possible.

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