
Ambassador Crudele presents credentials in Nauru

'Bilateral relations marked by friendship and cooperation'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 15 OTT - Italy's Ambassador to Australia Paolo Crudele today presented his letters of credence to the President of the Republic of Nauru, David Adeang. During the two-day visit, the ambassador also had meetings with key ministers of Nauru's executive.
    "Bilateral relations between Nauru and Italy are marked by friendship," said the ambassador. "On the part of the government of Nauru there is great appreciation for the driving role played by Italy in the UN framework to ensure that the fight against climate change is given top priority. Italy traditionally supports the small Pacific islands with targeted assistance programmes'.
    During the meetings,' reads a note from the embassy, 'Italian activities in support of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) were also highlighted, as were the high-level training courses for officials from the small Pacific island states, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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