
Italian language week in Croatia with theatre, films and exhibitions

Events at the Cultural Institute, Embassy and Institutions

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 16 OTT - The 24th edition of the Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo (SLIM) started yesterday in Croatia. The 2024 programme proposed by the Italian Institute of Culture in Zagreb, in collaboration with the other institutions involved in the promotion of the Italian language in the country (Dante Alighieri Society of Split, University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka, University of Split, University of Zadar, University of Pula, Association of Croatian Teachers of Italian), but also with the Embassy of Switzerland in Croatia, proposes a packed calendar of events that, from 14 to 18 October, will tell the general theme of the event "L'Italiano e il libro: the world between the lines'.
    SLIM in Croatia began with the theatrical monologue Enrico (IL) IV starring Andrea De Manincor, first at the Department of Italianistics at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Rijeka (14 October), and the next day (15 October), at the Faculty of Humanities in Zagreb.
    In cooperation with the Association of Croatian Teachers of Italian, an award ceremony was held for the winning pupils and students of the XXIV Italian Language Week in Croatia competition and their works on the main theme of the event (16 October).
    Two films will be screened - Il colibrì (The Hummingbird) by Francesca Archibugi, based on the book by Sandro Veronesi, winner of the 2020 Strega Prize, and Umberto Eco: la biblioteca del mondo (Umberto Eco: the world's library). The comic strip, a popular literary genre in Croatia, will not be forgotten either, with an exhibition of comic strips by the Italian author Zerocalcare, organised by the Department of Italianism of the University of Zadar and the Zadar Municipal Library.
    Several lectures will take place as part of the Week, including one by Professor Stefano Prandi from the University of Italian Switzerland in Lugano, entitled 'Readers of books, readers of the world? Prodigies and Chess of Literature'.
    These events will be complemented by initiatives organised by the Dante Alighieri Society of Split, the University of Split and the University of Pula.

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