
Ambassadors to the Holy See Literary Prize launched

Now in its sixth edition

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 18 OTT - The Embassy of Italy and the Delegation of the European Union to the Holy See have launched the 6th edition of the Ambassadors to the Holy See Literary Prize. This was announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recalling that, born six years ago from the initiative of a group of Heads of Mission, the Prize is aimed at authors of books published in Italian and intended for the general public on topics related to Christian culture and values, relations between Christian Churches and States, the history of the Churches and interreligious dialogue.
    Participation - it was emphasised - is open to all authors of books on the aforementioned topics who meet the following requirements: Be originally written in Italian (translations are not allowed) even by non-Italian authors; Have been published in 2024; Be addressed to the general public.
    The winner - it was added - will be awarded a prize worth EUR 1,500.00.
    There will also be a special mention for an emerging writer for a debut author whose book meets the above requirements.
    The award ceremony will be held in the summer of 2025 at Palazzo Borromeo, seat of the Italian Embassy to the Holy See. Nominations may be submitted by publishing houses and/or directly by authors and must be received by email to no later than 31 January 2025.

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