
More than 100 local businesses at the Italo-Niger Day

Initiative of the Embassy in Niger in cooperation with Ice

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 OTT - On 17 October, Italo-Niger Day was held, an event to celebrate Italy's contribution to Niger through initiatives and activities at several levels, from cooperation to development, professional training, cultural enhancement and economic development.
    During the event, the first workshop for businesses was inaugurated, organised by the Italian Embassy in Niger in collaboration with Ice Agency and the Niamey Chamber of Commerce, which was attended by more than 100 local businesses. The 40th anniversary of the Keita Project against desertification was also celebrated, an initiative that is part of the strategic framework of Italian Cooperation intervention in the Sahel, to raise awareness, identify and formulate concrete local development initiatives.
    The Italo-Niger Day is the result of work based on listening and careful consideration of exchanges of ideas with the Niger people, a partnership based on values of solidarity and cooperation.

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