
Canberra, a reproduction of the Gutenberg Bible delivered

Ceremony opens Italian Language Week

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 21 OTT - Ambassador Paolo Crudele today presented the National Library of Australia with a reproduction of the Gutenberg Bible, created by the Scuola Italiana Amanuensi 'Scriptorium Foroiuliense' of San Daniele del Friuli.
    Made with a technique superimposed on the one that allowed the production of the first European work printed in movable type, the reproduction donated today is inspired by the copy conserved at the Bodleian Library of Oxford University, one of the oldest existing public collections. Today's ceremony inaugurated a week of events dedicated to the promotion of the Italian language in the world, through literary meetings and reading groups.
    "It is a great honour for me to deliver this extraordinary reproduction created by the Scuola Amanuensi di San Daniele, which from today will enrich the collection of the Australian National Library," said the ambassador. "We celebrate with this exhibition the value of our language as a vehicle of beauty, knowledge and identity. The promotion of Italian language and culture represents a strategic component of our country's foreign policy action'.

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