
The Italian Academy of Cuisine is also active in Mexico

Over thirty diners at the 2024 Ecumenical Lunch

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - CITTÀ DEL MESSICO, 21 OTT - The Mexican delegation of the Italian Academy of Cuisine celebrated its traditional ecumenical lunch at the 'Quattro' restaurant in Mexico City on Thursday, 17 October. In the presence of 33 diners, the association - led by Dino Pagliai, recently appointed delegate - took the opportunity, following the lines established by the headquarters in Milan, to 'develop, through conviviality, the values of Italian cuisine, with the enhancement of the identity elements of the food of the year'. The agreed menu was based - according to the guidelines - on the theme 'Beans, chickpeas and other legumes (peas, green beans, broad beans, lentils) in the cuisine of regional tradition'.
    The topic, chosen by the Franco Marenghi Study Centre and approved by the President's Council, is aimed at enhancing the cuisine of products with a high nutritional value and the ability to 'satiate', which have been a pillar of the diet of agricultural societies, and not only.
    'The Academy's ecumenical dinner is celebrated on the third Thursday of October all over the world,' Marilena Moneta, a former delegate in Mexico, explained to ANSA, 'but we, for various reasons, always meet at lunchtime. All over the world we prepare menus based on the same ingredients'.
    'In addition,' she added, 'if we find available restaurants, at least six times a year we organise a lunch with the 12 registered academics - the Italian ambassador to Mexico is an honorary academician - and friends, with the aim of assessing the different establishments specialising in Italian gastronomy in the metropolitan area of Mexico City. Our opinions are sent to the headquarters in Milan, which publishes them in the magazine 'Civiltà della Tavola' and, through an app, they are made available online'.

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