
Ambassador Zappia at Niaf, special Italy-US relationship

'And it is strong, a strength derived from various factors'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, 27 OTT - "The relationship that exists between Italy and the United States is special and it is strong, a strength that stems from several factors: from the fact of having a politically stable Italian government that is doing the right thing by putting Italy at the centre of the most important decisions on the global stage, growing our economy, making the appropriate choices in facing the challenges and seizing the opportunities of this era of fundamental transitions, confirming every day, in every choice, that we proudly belong to that community of nations that believe in democracy, in respect for the rule of law, in the importance of putting the interest and well-being of our citizens first." This was said by the Ambassador of Italy to the United States, Mariangela Zappia, at the National Italian American Foundation Gala held last night in Washington.
    "A strength that also derives from the fact that we can count on the Italian-American community, the dual citizens, the Italians who love America and who still come here today entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, researchers, academics, scientists, students. Our strength is also you," Zappia continued, inviting us to tell this story to the younger generations of Italian-Americans, "by passing on to them our traditions, pride, and full awareness of what unites Italy and the United States in such a special way, not just our countries but our peoples.
    The dinner also featured a video message from Donald Trump, who declined the invitation to attend due to election commitments. "I love the Italians, they are a special people," Trump said, adding that he had "many friends" in the audience attending the evening.

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