
The President of the Council of State on a visit to Poland

Meeting with Ambassador Luca Franchetti Pardo

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - VARSAVIA, 31 OTT - The President of the Council of State, Luigi Maruotti, today concluded a three-day visit to Poland during which, together with a delegation of Italian jurists, he participated in several thematic seminars and gave a lecture on the role of the body he presides over.
    Arriving in Poland at the invitation of the President of the Polish Supreme Administrative Court Jacek Chlebny, Maruotti, together with Polish and Italian judges, met the Italian Ambassador to Poland Luca Franchetti Pardo, who emphasised the importance of cooperation between the two courts.
    "These regular meetings encourage - in a context of profound technological and social changes - the sharing of best practices and the deepening of working methods between the Italian and Polish justice bodies," said Ambassador

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