
At the Embassy in Berlin 'Falling Walls Lab 2024'

The welcome event of the competition

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 05 NOV - This year it is the Italian Embassy that is hosting the welcoming event of the 'Falling Walls Lab 2024' with the presence of the 80 winners from 51 countries of the national competitions, including 2 Italians: Sara Grecchi, researcher at the Università Statale di Milano, and Leone Bacciu, computer science student at the Università Cà Foscari di Venezia. This is an initiative of the Falling Walls Foundation that falls within the broad context of the 'Berlin Science Week'.
    This is the prelude event to the actual competition that will take place in Berlin on 7 November. The world-class pitch competition and networking forum brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary group of students and early-career professionals, providing a platform for groundbreaking ideas at global and local level in fields such as agriculture, architecture and urban planning, cognitive science and psychology, computer science, economics and business, education, engineering and technology, healthcare and medicine, life sciences and mathematics. The format supports participants in promoting their innovations and developing their communication skills, fostering collaboration and creating a space for society to flourish.
    Ambassador Armando Varricchio, in welcoming the young participants, addressed them as follows: 'Your projects, covering over eighty different topics, cover all areas where scientific, technological and social advances are urgently needed. What unites these topics is the common desire to address the most urgent challenges of present and future generations with passion and creativity. The representation of so many countries and geographical areas at this event is also a clear sign of the need for strong international cooperation to address global issues. An Embassy is, by definition, the ideal place for an open and solution-oriented exchange." The Falling Walls Lab 2024 is supported by, among others, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the German Academic Exchange Service and the German Research Foundation, as well as the publisher Springer Nature.
    The Falling Walls Foundation, a non-profit organisation founded in Berlin in 2009 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Wall, organises the annual Falling Walls Science Summit, a high-profile international event taking place from 7 to 9 November. Its aim is to bring together global scientific leaders, business pioneers and public sector visionaries to share knowledge, foster collaboration and shape the future of the international innovation system, creating a meaningful impact for humanity. The Falling Walls Foundation works with academic institutions, businesses and international organisations to create a network of innovators and thinkers dedicated to a more sustainable, inclusive and scientifically advanced future.

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