(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 07 NOV - In the presence of high-ranking representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of North Macedonia and numerous Italian and Macedonian entrepreneurs, the presentation of the Country Guide 2024 by Confindustria North Macedonia took place yesterday evening at the Department of Italianistics at the Faculty of Philology of Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
The Head of the Commercial Office of the Embassy, Mario De Rosa, introduced the proceedings by giving the floor to Prof. Vladimir Martinovski, Dean of the Faculty of Philology "Blaže Koneski" and Prof. Aleksandra Saržoska, who greeted the participants.
This was followed by the speech of the Italian Ambassador Andrea Silvestri, who reviewed the various initiatives promoted by the Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation aimed at consolidating economic partnership relations with North Macedonia and the Western Balkans. The Ambassador mentioned in particular events promoting the excellence of Italian production in the country, such as the Italian Cuisine Week, which were very successful and were also realised thanks to the fruitful cooperation with Confindustria North Macedonia.
"Confindustria is a solid ally, capable of enriching the range of tools aimed at strengthening relations with the Macedonian entrepreneurial fabric" - said Silvestri - "And in this sense, the Country Guide being presented today is tangible proof of the dynamism of Confindustria North Macedonia, which now has numerous member and partner companies".
In his presentation, the Director of Confindustria North Macedonia, Enrico Rainone, illustrated the structure of the Country Guide 2024, which is intended to be a "Toolbox" useful for providing an overview of the opportunities in the Macedonian market, also in relation to incentives and facilities for foreign investments, legislative rules and regulations, taxes and tax regimes, established partnerships and cooperation protocols stipulated between the two countries. He also emphasised that the 2024 Guide had been drawn up for the first time since Confindustria's representation in the country, thanks to the strong will of President Riccardo Rainone, who placed this goal among the priorities for the year 2024.
Rainone, for his part, explained that the choice of the multimedia hall of the Department of Italianistics as the venue for the event was made with a view to cooperation between the institutions that, in various capacities, are part of the 'Country System', emphasising the importance of teaching Italian in North Macedonia. Giving added value to the event was the participation of Dr. Jelena Čukanović of SIMEST, who presented the tools available to Italian companies for internationalisation, such as direct financing, export credits, and equity loans.
At the close of the proceedings, the President of Confindustria North Macedonia Rainone wished to present Ambassador Andrea Silvestri, on the occasion of the end of his term of office, with a plaque thanking him "for the constant support he has provided to the Association during his term of office in North Macedonia and for the valuable contribution he has made to the development of Italian entrepreneurship in the country".
Confindustria's Country Guide 2024 presented in Skopje
Italian Ambassador to North Macedonia Silvestri present