(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 DIC - The prime minister of Sindh, Syed Murad Ali Shah, received the Italian ambassador to Pakistan, Marilina Armellin, at his residence in Karachi, accompanied by ambassador Francesco Maria Talò, consul Danilo Giurdanella and first secretary Augusto Palmieri.
The meeting,' reads a note from the embassy, 'was an opportunity to further enhance bilateral collaboration in key areas such as trade cooperation, development cooperation and cultural collaboration.
The prime minister also honoured Ambassador Armellin with an official lunch at her residence. The ambassador mentioned the presence in Karachi of the Nave Scuola Amerigo Vespucci, one of the best examples of the promotion of Italy abroad, and invited the Sindh prime minister for a visit on board.
Sindh Prime Minister receives Ambassador Armellin
'Opportunity to enhance collaboration in key areas'