(ANSA) - ROMA, 16 DIC - 'In Turkmenistan there is a real passion for Italy, for culture, for music, for the Italian language. Just a couple of months ago we had the Rector of the University for Foreigners in Perugia, Professor Valerio De Cesaris, who was welcomed like a rock star.
The ambassador also spoke of the economic opportunities in the country, particularly in the energy sector: "Turkmenistan is a country rich in hydrocarbons, particularly natural gas, and the big news of recent months can be summed up in one acronym: Tapi, the pipeline that should bring natural gas from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan, Pakistan and then India. As you can understand, without even being a great geopolitical expert, this is a highly challenging project, with very important technical and security complexities. In recent months, it has gone from being an idea to a concrete project that the Turkmen are investing in, working on with great conviction'.
Amb. Ferrari, a real passion for Italy in Turkmenistan
'Great opportunities in the hydrocarbon sector'