(ANSA) - ROMA, 24 FEB - Ambassador Armellin opened the segment of the prestigious Lahore Literary Festival entitled 'The Golden Road through Swat: 70 Years of Italian Archeological Presence in Pakistan'. The panel, which hosted the archaeologist and expert on the ancient civilisations of Pakistan, Luca Maria Olivieri, the director of the Museums of the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkwa, Abdul Samad, and the cultural heritage expert, Arch.
The archaeological mission in Swat also has an important social return: each excavation becomes an opportunity to learn new techniques for the local staff, with positive repercussions in terms of employment and social benefits. The possibility of creating a manual on excavations in Urdu in the future can only further increase the success and integration of one of the most successful Italian experiences in this country.
Amb. Armellin celebrates 70 years of Italian archaeology in Pakistan