
ANAS-FS merger boosts investments-Delrio (2)

'A great company' with serious employment prospects

ANAS-FS merger boosts investments-Delrio (2)

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 14 - The incorporation by merger of motorway company ANAS into rail group Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) "is a very important operation, finally concrete, which really enables us to boost Italian investments," Transport and Infrastructure Minister Graziano Delrio said Friday. Delrio cited "important synergies" and said "finally there is a great company that can provide more serious employment prospects".
    The cabinet on Thursday greenlit the merger between ANAS and FS.
    ANAS will become a company in the FS group while maintaining its autonomy, sources said. Successive governments had been looking to create the new integrated transport giant.

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