(ANSA) - Turin, December 27 - Piedmont may soon start talks
with Rome on getting greater autonomy, Governor Sergio
Chiamparino told an end-of-year press conference Wednesday.
It would thus become the third northern region, after Lombardy
and Veneto which held pro-autonomy referenda earlier this year,
to seek greater autonomy from Rome. Chiamparino said, however,
that he would not seek a referendum, unlike Lombardy Governor
Roberto Maroni and Veneto Governor Luca Zaia. "I continue to
refuse the referendum logic à la Maroni-Zaia, because they have
a political profile that is not ours," he said. Maroni and Zaia
both belong to the anti-immigrant, anti-euro League, while
Chiamparino is a member of the ruling centre-left Democratic
Party (PD). He said "it's different to try to see if, once
budget stability is reached, there are powers that can be
transferred from the State to the Regions". He said "they are
long processes, but I believe that at this point Piedmont too
has the necessary conditions to sit down at the negotiating
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