
Salvini tells FI must want EU change (2)

League leader wants to present Savona again

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 29 - League leader Matteo Salvini warned Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia (FI) on Tuesday that they will not remain allies unless the latter is committed to radical change of the European Union. Italy looks set to have fresh elections later this year, following March's inconclusive vote, after an attempt to form a League/5-Star Movement (M5S) government broke down over President Sergio Mattarella's refusal to approve the nomination of Euroskeptic economist Paolo Savona as economy minister.
    "The condition for an alliance with Forza Italia is that the European Union rules must change," Salvini told Radio RAI 1.
    "I cannot be allied with someone who says Europe is fine as it is".
    He added that "I'd very much like to present Savona again, if he wants to put himself out there again".

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