
Tria econ min, Moavero FM, Savona EU

Salvini at interior, Di Maio industry-labour, Savona EU affairs

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 31 - Law professor Giuseppe Conte is set to present a list of ministers to President Sergio Mattarella with Rome Tor Vergata University economic professor Giovanni Tria, seen as close to Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party, at the economy ministry instead of rejected first pick Paolo Savona, seen as too anti-euro.
    Former European affairs minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi is set to be foreign minister.
    Moavero was formerly first-grade jusgde at the EU Court of Justice in Luxembourg and a collaborator of the European Commission as director general of the Bureau of European Policy Advisors. The two government partners, anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio and anti-migrant Euroskeptic League leader Matteo Salvini, have set aside key ministries to roll out flagship policies.
    Di Maio will head a newly merged industry and labour ministry to oversee the implementation of a basic income while Salvini will crack down on undocumented migrants, making good on a vow to deport 600,000 of them, from his post as interior minister.
    Both leaders will be deputy premiers.
    Former foreign ministry political advisor and army reserve officer Elisabetta Trenta gets the defence portfolio while Di Maio ally Alfonso Bonafede, a lawyer, gets justice.
    There will be a handful of women: former Andreotti defence lawyer and League Senator Giulia Bongiorno will be civil service minister; medical doctor and M5S MP Giulia Grillo will be health minister; League lawyer Erika Stefani will be at regional affairs and Barbara Lezzi, a Lecce native and long-time M5S member, will get a new ministry for the south.
    League member Lorenzo Fontana will get a new ministry for the disabled and the family, a strong Salvini desire.
    Riccardo Fraccaro, a close Di Maio ally, will get relations with parliament and Gian Marco Centinaio of the League will get a new superministry combining agriculture and tourism. The transport and infrastructure portfolio goes to Marche-born geologist Mauro Coltorti, a Siena university lecturer before he became an M5S Senator; League PE teacher Marco Bussetti gets the education portfolio; and Alberto Bonsoli, an expert in training and design and creator of international projects, of the M5S, will get the culture ministry.

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