
'No' to 2nd migrant-rescue ship-Salvini (3)

Interior Minister says ports closed to S&R vessels

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, June 11 - Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Monday that Italy was set to deny permission to another migrant-rescue ship to dock at an Italian port after refusing to okay the arrival of the Aquarius ship carrying 629 people on Sunday. "Today the Sea Watch 3 ship of a German NGO flying a Dutch flag is off the Libyan coast waiting to take on the umpteenth load of immigrants to bring to Italy again," Salvini, who is also deputy premier and leader of the League party, said via Twitter. "Italy has stopped bowing its head and obeying, this time THERE IS SOMEONE WHO SAYS NO. #chiudiamoiporti (#weareclosingtheports)". On Sunday Salvini said the Aquarius, which is run by the SOS Mediterranee NGO and has 123 unaccompanied minors and seven pregnant women aboard, should head to Malta instead of Italy.
    The Maltese authorities said the case was not its responsibility.
    Early on Monday the Aquarius was stationary at sea, 27 nautical miles from Malta and 35 from Italy, awaiting instructions. "Early morning prayers onboard #Aquarius. All 629 people rescued in #Mediterranean are unaware of ongoing diplomatic standoff," said medical aid NGO MSF, which has personnel on the Aquarious.
    "#MSF urgently requests a swift resolution and a designated port of safety".

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