
CasaPound denies eviction inspection

Salvini shd show same zeal as with Roma camps says PD MP

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, October 23 - Far-right group CasaPound on Tuesday denied that tax police had inspected their central Rome HQ Monday on the instructions of the Audit Court which is allegedly set to order their eviction from the premises where they have been squatting for years.
    "There was no inspection in the building at Via Napoleone III 8 in Rome," CasaPound Italia President Gianluca Iannone said, "categorically denying" the report.
    "There really isn't any limits on fake news any more," said Iannone.
    Centre-left Democratic Party MP Roberto Morassut claimed CasaPound militants had stopped the tax police from clearing the building.
    "The CasaPound militants threatened the Finance Guard agents who wanted to clear the building in the centre of Rome that the neofascist organisation has been occupying illegally for years.
    "'If you come in it will be a bloodbath', they allegedly told the police," Morassut said, calling on Interior Minister Matteo Salvini to show "the same zeal with which he sends bulldozers onto poor wretches' huts," referring to Roma camp clearings.

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