
'No change for govt' after Abruzzo vote say Salvini and Conte

Centre right spearheaded by League wins regional election

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, February 11 - Premier Giuseppe Conte and Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini both said Monday that nothing changes for central government after the centre right won Sunday's regional elections in Abruzzo. Salvini's League was the driving force of the centre-right's victory.
    The League's coalition partners in central government, fellow Deputy Premier and Labour and Industry Minister Luigi Di Maio's 5-Star Movement (M5S), came third with around 20% of the vote after running alone, with a centre-left alliance coming second.
    "Nothing changes for the government - no reshuffle, work continues," Interior Minister Salvini told a press conference in the Lower House.
    That concept was echoed by Conte.
    "The outcome (in Abruzzo) seems quite clear, but this does not change anything for central government," Conte said in the southern city of Campobasso.
    "We'll keep working. There's no change to the agenda".

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